Saturday, December 17, 2011

How to control fear and axiety leading up to a fight part 3

I am posting these in a specific order so if you have not read the first in the series please check it out -

I will also be doing a video series for all of these posts soon!

Tool #3: The breath part 2

The second technique I use to control the breath/heart rate in order to control the flow of adrenalin is this resting breath technique. Practice it over and over for the maximum effect.

While you are lying on your back, relaxed, palms facing up, listen closely to the beat of your heart. -The very fact that you are paying attention to it will affect the rhythm. Simply because you are focused on it will increase the adrenalin flow therefore the heart rate will increase-. Try not to think about your fight! (haha, that was a little NLP joke! You see, the subconscious brain does not hear negatives so if I tell you to not think about white elephants you will think of them immediately). No, feel free to think of whatever you want, it is good practice to teach your adrenaline system that you are in control of the flow.
Next, try to breath in sync with the beat of your heart. Make small huffing pauses in your breath at the sound of each beat. Then try to delay/drag the breath behind a little each beat, this will slow the beats down. The second that you realize this will send a surge of adrenaline and it will start beating faster again.
This takes a great deal of practice but it pays off with giving you a great deal of control of your adrenaline and heart rate.

We can bring back this relaxed state using a technique called "anchoring". In a sense, we have created a set of neurological pathways in our brain that set up this low level trance; not quite K.O.d but good n' peaceful.
Once you have brought yourself to this state of relaxation, you can easily anchor this relaxed feeling to something like a word, repeated again and again, an object like a piece of jewelry etc., a song or a ritual like rubbing the head of your favorite midget.
I am sure you are familiar with athletes using a good luck charm or wearing the same piece of clothing or not shaving every playoff season, I submit to you that maybe, these people know subconsciously that these rituals bring back the feeling of peace that they have while in their gym, home or local pub.
Every time you do this little meditation, try playing your walk out song. The more you do this, the more the song will be anchored to the relaxed feeling. Then before the fight do some of the mental focus exercises, some of the breathing and when you hear the song come on, calling you in to the ring, it will bring a new level of peace to the whole experience.

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