Saturday, February 13, 2010

Is it worth going organic?

So many people ask me why I only eat and buy organic produce and meats, why I only use natural home cleaning proucts. There is only so much time in a day and so much info, so many reasons why you should, if not eat organic, at least open your mind and be aware of what you are putting in your bodies!
If some dude walked up to you on the street and offered you a sandwhich I thnk you would pause before taking it, so why do we trust giant corporations to have our best interests at heart. How many times in your life have you heard stories of people getting sick due to the negligence of some fast-food joint or some large agricultural conglomerate? The next day I'me sure you don't even hesitate to strap a drive-through feed bag to yer face!
I heard a story a couple days ago and I wanted to share it with all of you who are interested in this subject then I will give you a link to a website that deals with the subject in great detail, much more than I have time to pontificate upon.
In Canada, as in most of North America, we have laws that are put in place to protect us. We have learned from a history of powerful people causing harm to the public in order to further profits and inluence and we have, at least attempted to, guard ourselves by restricing the use of things like pesticides that cause illness.
So we shouldn't have to worry about the apples in a Canadian supermarket!? Right?

Draw your own conclusions from this but I was shootin the breeze with a freind at work the other day and he was telling me about his home in the Okanogan where they grow heaps of fresh, beautiful fruit. He was worried about all the spraying in the nearby fields and he moved to the lower mainland. A short time later he was diagnosed with prostate cancer and only months after that, the man who bought the Okanogan House from him was diagnosed with the same! Bear in mind that studies linking the diseases with the causes are funded with money and who has the money; you guessed it, the big corporations!! Quelle surprise!

So, I'm not trying to preech to anyone, eat what you want. I only ask that you start to become aware of what you put in and on your body, and what effect it will have on your health.

Here is a good resource for information on organic food and agriculture etc. These people have far more time than I do and have put together a very comprehensive website on the subject. ORGANIC FOOD!

I have used a home delivery service for organic food and cleaning products called Ladybug Organics, they deliver quite cheep and you can set up a monthly or weekly drop. Check it out if you want.

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